Slide 82 - Scalp, showing thin skin with many hairs, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands.  Using textbook pictures as a guide, see what portions you can find of a hair follicle:  (hair shaft, root sheath, papilla, bulge region, etc.).  In what way is hair a cornified derivative of epidermis?

Find sebaceous glands with their large, pale cells filled with oil droplets (sebum).  Look for places where these glands empty into the hair follicles.  Look also for pieces of arrector pili muscle.  What is the function of this muscle?  Is it smooth or striated muscle?

Find sections of coiled sweat glands in the dermis.  Where do their ducts open?  Look for myoepithelial cells around the secretory portions of the glands; where are they in relation to the basal lamina?

Notice that the deeper portion of the scalp is nearly all adipose tissue, and that blood vessels and nerves are supported in it.  Skin is actually a quite highly vascularized organ.  What are the functions of skin?